Saturday, March 5, 2011

Suzy in a Nutshell

  1. I am 41 years old
  2. I am the middle child of an original family of 3, still the middle child in an extended/blended family of 9
  3. I have been pregnant 4 times
  4. I have given birth to 2 gorgeous daughters
  5. I held my 4 1/2 year old younger daughter, Miss E while she took her last breath (chemo's fault)
  6. Grief is my constant companion
  7. I have been married to the Husband for 17 years
  8. I work as a Library Officer in a public Primary School, and this is the perfect job for me
  9. I love to sew and knit, and want to add crotchet to my skills
  10. I really love to read, although don't read as compulsively as I used to
  11. I have some of the best friends that the planet has to offer
  12. I almost always sing whilst driving
  13. Red and turquoise are my favourite colours
  14. Gooey peppermint chocolate is my guilty pleasure 
  15. I take anti-depressants, and have learnt I don't cope without them
  16. A little black velveteen rabbit called Pixie is sprawled on the carpet at my feet
  17. A really uncoordinated cockatiel called Hugo is trying not to fall off the top of her cage to my right
  18. This is their usual occupations
  19. I find it almost impossible to wake up in the morning
  20. I live in a teeny tiny house and I am really tired of it
  21. I wish I was a famous author
  22. I also wish I could climb through the back of the wardrobe and enter Narnia
  23. I have had the honour of meeting 'Aslan' and he is truly loving and wonderful
  24. I am a vivid dreamer, and so is my older daughter, 13 year old Miss J (we enjoy swapping notes)
  25. I wear a mouth guard at night to protect my poor gnashed teeth (courtesy of said dreams)
  26. I am a sucker for a calico bag 
  27. I should buy shares in my local fruit and vege shop
  28. I think summer is highly over rated
  29. I still draw stick figures
  30. That's about it

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